10:00am to 12:00pm


AGM 12:00pm to 1:00pm

The Volunteer Supervisors’ Workshop is aimed both at our current Volunteer Supervisors and Consultants interested in volunteering to offer supervison.

As in previous years, this is an opportunity to thank our Volunteer Supervisors, receive your feedback and discuss the challenges and opportunities that being a Volunteer Supervisor in the Middle East.  We also want to know how we can support you more in the fantastic work that you do. The Programme is as follows but will be updated as events unfold.

  1. Sian’s vision being carried forward, Shiraz Farrand.
  2. The journey with Trauma Aid UK & Bosnia to accreditation and independence, Selvira Draganovich.
  3. Support – how are Volunteer Supervisor support groups working?
  4. Working with ongoing trauma.
  5. Jordan – the situation now.
  6. The free CPD event.
  7. Accreditation in Arab Countries – a report on progress.
  8. Child / adolescent supervision issues.
  9. Cultural exchange morning – what you need from Supervisees and what they would like to know

The AGM follows the Workshop.

If you would like to attend either or both events, please register below and you will be emailed the Zoom link.

Shiraz Farrand

Volunteer Coordinator

Volunteer Supervisors' Workshop 2024
I want to attend the Volunteers Workshop *
Are you already a volunteer? *
I want to attend the AGM *
Please use my email address to keep me up to date with information about these events *
We shall send you the Zoom link by email after you have registered